Mission & History
"Because of this program, I have hope, determination, optimism, and actual purpose to want to succeed. I needed this."
-Former Alpha House Family
Family Testimonial

Our Mission:
To support families experiencing homelessness to build a better future
Our Vision:
To enable 100% of the families we work with find stable housing
More than providing just a bed and a roof for families, our goal is to fully support the families in all aspects so they are able to secure and maintain their own home.
Alpha House was established in 1992 to provide shelter and support to at-risk families and families experiencing homelessness. We serve over 40 families a year in our shelter, and up to 90 families through our Rapid Rehousing Program.
Alpha House services aim to provide stability for parents and children living in the shelter, and guide them through a plan to secure and maintain stable housing. The program provides intensive support services that address each family's individual needs and barriers to securing permanent housing. Our Case Managers assist each family with identifying goals and objectives to move toward housing stability.
The goals for families are focused on:
Increasing income and savings
Increasing employment, and
Securing housing
The average age of a child experiencing homelessness is seven (7) years old. 87% of children experiencing homelessness can move up to three (3) times within a single year. This means changes in school, teachers, and school work. Often times these children fall behind academically, struggle emotionally, mentally, and behaviorally.
At Alpha House, we strive to provide the support these children need during the transition back into permanent housing.
We couldn't do it without volunteers!
Alpha House is truly a community response to homelessness. Each year over 2,500 volunteers from local congregations, community groups, and businesses support our shelter by cooking and serving meals, engaging with the children, providing support and mentorship to the adults, and performing all of the shelter maintenance (inside and outside!).
Every volunteer reminds our families that they are not alone in their struggles.